Cult of Pop

Just rambling from my child of the 80s mind about movies, tv, music, comics, toys, games, work... whatever is floating around in my dome at any given moment.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Not normal... might as well be PARAnormal

Ah, those wonderful thoughts that enter my head... the thoughts that say things like, "Hey dude, ya know what would be rad? Being a paranormal investigator!! Yeah, that would be so freakin' cool... hunting ghosts and stuff."

Honestly, those are the types of thoughts I find myself responding to (often out loud). Picture it... I'm sitting at work and that thought bounces around inside my cranium. Maybe someone is walking past my desk at the time. Imagine their surprise as I blurt out to nobody in particular, "Eureka!! Chasing ghost WOULD be rad!! I'm gonna do it!!"

Ok, so I didn't use the word "eureka", but it would have been cooler if I had.

Anyway, it was now in my head that I wanted to hunt ghosts, so by gum, I was gonna hunt ghosts!

Long story short, I found a paranormal research group online and joined. And this past weekend, I got to go on my first official investigation. We investigated a local restaurant and party house that was once an old French chateau styled house that was built in 1876.

Let me tell you, the place is haunted as hell!

I won't get into all of the details yet (I'll save that for a longer post), but I will tell you that I was doing EVP work. For those unfamiliar with what EVP is, it stands for Electronic Voice Phenomenon. The researcher walks around with a small digital (or analoge) recorder and asks silly questions like, "Is there anyone in this room that would like to speak with us?" It is only when the tape is played back that, occassionally, you hear an answer. The answer wasn't audible when the question was asked, so hearing a disembodied voice after the fact is pretty f-ing spooky.

Well, imagine my surprise as I was reviewing my audio from the investigation and found SEVERAL EVPs. I have one of them linked for you hear now.

You're going to hear the Inn's owner talking about how "we're about to go though the basement", and then you'll hear a strange sound right before she says "and"...

Weird, right? Also impossible to understansd. One of the theories pertaining to EVPs is that sometimes the spirit is unable to manipulate the audio very well, and their 'voice' gets recorded in reverse. Knowing this, and listening to it again, the recording sounded reversed to me. So I took the odd section of the recording and reversed it.

Here it is with the same explaination from the woman, and then the voice reversed:

Can you understand it? Here it is cleaned up a bit with some audio filters:

Finally, here it is looped a few times. The final time is slowed down a little:

Now that you've listened to it, here's what I think he;s saying...
"I can't hear you..."

Is that what you hear, too?

Oh, and just so you're wondering, I'm being 100% on the level with this. It's something I'm really digging, and have become very passionate about.

Once I get a few more cleaned up, I'll post them, too!
~ Stephen


At 6:58 PM , Blogger Ko Jo said...

Eerie!! Eerie!! Eerie!!
I feel a screenplay a brewin.

At 6:46 AM , Blogger S. Rick said...

HA! No, not a screenplay... Not yet, anyway. Actually, we're in pre-production right now to shoot a documentary about the legend of the White Lady of Durand, and this paranormal group is going to be a big part of the documentary.

At 12:25 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Pretty amazing. I think you got lucky on your first try. I've read that very often it takes hours and hours of recording to catch a few seconds of spirt talk. I'd love to hear more.

At 1:02 PM , Blogger S. Rick said...

Right now I have 15 possible EVPs from my recordings Sunday night. Out of those, I'd say I'm pretty confident that 7-8 are authentic!! I'd definitely agree that I got pretty darn lucky!!!


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