Cult of Pop

Just rambling from my child of the 80s mind about movies, tv, music, comics, toys, games, work... whatever is floating around in my dome at any given moment.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

May I present... LUCIFER!

Just because I'm enjoying designing them so much, here's the latest in my Shockinis "Butt-Kickin' Jesus and the Apostles" line -- my first villian -- Lucifer!!

(insert dramatic, menacing music here)

I plan to have more accessories for him besides the alternate head, sword, and over-coat... I just don't have time to design them right now. (and I wanted to get the image uploaded since I dig it!)

He's rockin' the suit because I wanted him to be more 'timeless' than Jesus... like he could slip in and out of time-periods at will. And somehow, the 80s are his favorite time, so he likes to rock the Michael Douglas in Wallstreet look...

Can't wait to do more... now if only I could get Shocker Toys to buy this design from me and make them... Hell, screw BUYING the design, just make my toys and give me a case of them for free!!

~ S. Rick


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