Figure Hunt Continues -- and my 'Dork Factor' Sky Rockets!
As if it wasn't bad enough that I've already written an open love letter to Dollar Stores, now I've found an even better, more exciting, more crap-filled store that is bigger, better, a tad more expensive, but well worth it.
That's right, I'm talking about the Dollar Store's older, hotter cousin...
That den of consumer whorishness...
That mecca for those who don't have enough class to step foot into Wal-mart...

Big Lots is the type of store that sells things that men named Big Pauly and Franky 3 Fingers somehow 'find' after they 'fall off the back of a truck'. Hey, I'm not judging... I love this place! Like I said, it's a bit more expensive than a Dollar Store, but oh the selection!! Where else can you get lawn ornaments, faux-gold jewelry, a bedroom set, a can of Pringels, a new recliner for the living room, and toys, toys, toys? Where, I ask you?? And at discount prices, no less!!!
So I dragged the whole family in there, fresh with the hope of finding that elusive action figure that I've never heard of, but that my soul tells me is out there somewhere. What it looks like, I do not know. But I'll know it when I find it!
To save you the suspense, I didn't find it. But I DID find some other cool figures. They're called Titanium: Poze'ms. Now, I've never heard of these before (which is probably why they ended up tucked behind some fake-plastic wrestlers at Big Lots), but I was immediately impressed.

As you can see, they meet my requirement of having tons of articulation, making them easy to pose and good for stop-motion work. However, they're a bit top heavy, and the joints are not quite tight enough, so they can tip and fall over at the waist.
They're bigger than the often mentioned on this blog Stikfas. Here's antoher photograph for size reference. Stikfas are just over 3 inches tall. The one pictured is my in-progress Buck Rogers custom figure.

As you can see, I snagged a white Poze'm and a blue Poze'm. Big Lots also had an orange one and a lime green one. Chances are, I'll be heading back to pick those up, too.
Within the packaging was an advertisement for other lines of Titanium toys. They had break dancers, street ballers, skaters, a rock band, and the ever present soldiers. Each line of figures looked cool as hell in their own right, so I was pretty stoked. Immediately, I jumped onto the 'net and typed in the company's web address. Nothing. So I jumped onto Google and plugged in their name. What did I get? Old Toy Fair reviews from 2003 and a string of forum posts about the possibility of Hasbro suing over the likeness to Stikfas that Poze'ms have.
Now, I agree that the figures have a similar look to them, bt Stikfas are small, and they're more of a model kit. You actualy have to put them together. Poze'ms are bigger, and they don't come apart. What you buy is what you get. Period.
I have to assume that some suing went on, because I am unable to find out anything about the Poze'm line now... which is too bad. They're a sweet figure that, with a bit of modification to the design, could have been great.
Oh well, I guess I have to snatch up the rest of the stock at Big Lots.
Since I mentioned Stikfas, I can't wait until my 2 new packs come! I won an eBay auction over the weekend for these two sets:

This is the Beta Female Warrior with Dragon.

And this is the Omega Male Armored Knight with Stallion.

And this is the Omega Male Armored Knight with Stallion.
Oh yeah, I'm wearing the old Geek Badge with pride today!!
~ S. Rick
~ S. Rick
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