Cult of Pop

Just rambling from my child of the 80s mind about movies, tv, music, comics, toys, games, work... whatever is floating around in my dome at any given moment.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Workspace Clutter

Not too sure why, but I was just looking around my desk within my little cubicle here at work, just taking in all of the crap I have. And I don't mean work crap... that crap is expected. No, I'm talking about all of the other crap that's kicking around my cube. The crap that is supposed to say, "Hey all of you office lemmings, I'm different from you! I'm an individual! I'm quirky and cool, and you're not! This is my workspace, and it's going to be a reflection of me!"

But is it? I'm not sure... Let's take stock of what's around my desk.

Sitting in front of my monitor are action figures of Yoda and Darth Vader. Yoda is actually standing atop a Rubix Cube so as to match up better with Darth in their light saber duel. Also in front of my monitor is a calculator, several different sized pads of Post-It notes, the top to a bottle of Pepsi, and a Kudos Chocolate Chip Granola bar.

*Yum! I'm going to need to eat that once I finish the watermelon flavored Blow Pop I'm currently enjoying.*

On top of my monitor is a blue stress ball, a scary looking Mickey Mouse Pez dispenser, a picture of my son when he was a baby, and a print-out of a Dilbert cartoon that says "Out out!! You demons of stupidity!"

Tacked to the cube wall to my right is a newspaper clipping with a picture from one of my films talking about the Rochester International Film Festival (which the film played in and was voted one of the Best of the Fest), the intructions to Battleship, and 3 different Stikfas postcards.

Also sitting atop my desk itself is a Lord of the Rings cave troll figure from Burger King, a poker chip, a green plastic slinky, a half-empty Pepsi bottle, a thermos of Iced Tea that my lovely wife made for me last night, my iPod Shuffle, and 3 framed pictures of my kids. I also have a mug I pilfered from an office breakroom years ago (that has someone else's initials on it) filled with various paper and binder clips.

So what does all of this crap say about me?

Shit, how should I know. I'm not a psychologist!
~ S. Rick


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