Smells like... Desperation

Show of hands... who watched the made-for-TV-movie Desperation last night? Anyone? Come on... nobody tore themselves away from whatever American Idol crap was on to watch yet another terrific Stephen King novel be destroyed in movie form? Well, I did!
And yes, it held up to form. Another terrific Stephen King novel was destroyed when translated to movie form. I wish I could say, "Hey, just stop making Mr. King's work into TV movies! THAT'S what's screwing them up!" But for anyone who's seen Cujo, Pet Semetary, Christine, etc., you know that it's not the TV part that spells doom for Mr. King's work... it's the movie part.

The rest of the cast was capable, if not outstanding.
What shocked me most was that, for a made-for-the-boob-tube flick, there was a surprisingly high amount of gore. LOTS of dead bodies. LOTS of blood. Sufficient creepiness all around.
The weird thing is, Desperation is still listed in several places as a mini-series, yet it was played as one long, 3 hour TV-flick. What happened here? Did the network decide that it sucked too much to commit that much precious air-time too? Did they make the director cut it back to fit it into one glorious night of suckage? We may never know (until the inevitable DVD release, that is...)
Here is my A-NUMBA-1 gripe with King adaptations... the endings always suck. No matter how good the story is... no matter how solid the cast... no matter how well the rest of the flick holds up... the endings always suck. Why is that?

How about giving a certain independent filmmaker from Rochester, NY (hint--ME) a shot at directing one of these. I know I could at least make a flick on par with the crap being shilled right now. What do ya say, Stephen... you wanna give a guy a shot? I may not come away with The Shining, but it sure as hell wouldn't be The Storm of the Century either!
Until Nightmares and Dreamscapes is severely f-ed up in a month...
~ S. Rick
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