Couple a things...
First, the wife and I took in Nacho Libre this weekend. I've been reading bad review after bad review of this flick, but the trailers just seemed so damn funny. Plus, we're both big fans of Napoleon Dynamite so it was hard to image this movie being bad.
Well guess what? It was everything we hoped it would be, and MORE! We laughed so hard throughout the entire movie... it felt great! We haven't had a laugh like that in a long time. Thank you, Jared Hess. Thank you, Jack Black. Thank you, Mike White. Thank you for making a funny, un-cynical movie with tons of heart and even more laughs. It's nice to see that some people still find humor in things other than sarcasm, cynicism, and violence.
But before I sound like I'm on a soap box here, I really like sarcasm, cynicism, and violence in my humor... it's just nice to deviate from it once and a while.
In response to such an overwhelmingly positive film experience, I decided to make a custom Stikfas Nacho Libre! And here he is:

Last night while laying in bed, the wife and I re-watched The 40 Year Old Virgin. It's a great flick with some funny-as-hell performances in it. Steve Carrell is a GOD amongst men, as is the highly underrated, yet wickedly funny in everything he does these days Paul Rudd. (check out his performance in Anchorman as well... great stuff.
The reason I bring up The 40 Year Old Virgin is this: in watching the film, I found myself admiring (out loud) all of the various toys and pop culture memorabilia strewn around Steve Carrell's place. It was only after my wife asked me what something was (it was a life-sized bust of the Creature From the Black Lagoon's head), that I realized that stuff wasn't put into the film because it's cool (which is what I think), but instead it's there to show what a geek Carrell's character is.
THEN they showed him maticulously painting -- customizing -- little figures!! OH MY GOD, IT'S ME!!! -- although, I'm not 40 years old, and I'm definitely not a virgin (wink, wink... nod, nod).
Hey, are you laughing at me? Huh?? ARE YOU?? Well you can go to hell! I'm gonna go play with my Nacho Libre action figure that I made! SO THERE!!! ...asshole...
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