Moments in Emasculation...
So I've got a huge blister on my thumb... I know, I know, that's a strange way to start a blog. Well it's not if the entire blog is about the massive, painful blister on my thumb, now is it? So anyway, I've got this blister on my thumb. And we all know that a blister is or bulla is a defense mechanism of the human body. It consists of a pool of lymph and other bodily fluids beneath the upper layers of the skin. It may be formed in response to burns or friction, and helps to repair damage to the skin. If a blister is punctured, it forms an open wound and should be bandaged to prevent bacteria and dust from entering the wound which could result in inflammation. (Thank you Wikipedia)
My blister, which happens to be the size of a Nickel -- that's right, the middle child of U.S. Currency, the NICKEL -- is located directly in the center of my right thumb, that miracle of evolution that has allowed us, as humans, the achieve great heights -- like playing video games!
I've even gone so far as to name my massive blister Ali (as in Cassius Clay). Why would I name my blister after the most famous non-ear biting boxer in history? Because my blister is the direct reult of playing several hours of EA SPorts Fight Night Round 3 on my trusty Playstation 2.

1. I played a video game long enough over the course of 2 days to get a blister on my thumb.
2. Said blister (Ali) is the size of a Nickel... not a Penny or a Dime, but a freakin' NICKEL!
3. I've dedicated an entire blog to Ali.
4. In sitting here writing about Ali, I'm reminded that I won the Amateur title and moved up into the Middleweight Professional Ranks last night, and it's making me want to brave the pain in my thumb to play again.
5. In an attempt to try to 'rehab' my thumb, it's wrapped lovingly in a Marvel Superheroes bandage and slathered in Neosporin. Now, I know Neosporin is for the healing of minor cuts and abrasions, but I'm hoping it can works is medicinal miracles on Ali, too. As I type this, both Spiderman and Captain America are looking back at my from the bandage as if to say, "No worries, Champ. We're on the job!"
Thanks, fellas.
So there you have it. My tale of woe from the Playstation 2 boxing front lines. It's dangerous out there.
The good thing is, Ali is located on my right thumb. And since I'm left handed, he's not affecting my Disc Golf game at all!
~ Stephen
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