My Life in WoW - Part 7
I didn't play much last night... I needed to spend some QT with the wife, so we watched Clerks 2. BRILLIANT FLICK!! If you haven't seen it, what are you waiting for? It has a gutter mouth, but a heart of gold.
Back to WoW. I did play just a little... long enough to stable Barrengeist and wrasssle me up another pet!! Now that I'm level 19 (knocking on the door of level 20) I am able to tame level 19 beasts. So I went and tamed myself a WOLF!! They're called Ghostpaw Runners around Ashenvale, but for all intents and purposes, he/she (I respect its privacy) is a wolf.


His/her name is Diemgeist, which is a ridiculous mish-mash of Latin (Diem = Day) and German (Geist = Ghost), so his/her name is, eassentially, DayGhost.
Granted, with the sheer level of lameness I stooped to to come up with that name, I might as well have gone with Pig Latin instead.
'Ayday Hostgay' has such a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Labels: mmorpg, online gaming, warcraft, World of Warcraft, WoW
Cool pet! I'm a level 6, half way to 7. I can wait to be able to train a pet. I'm working on three quest and I'm having a ball. I love your screan shots!
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