Cult of Pop

Just rambling from my child of the 80s mind about movies, tv, music, comics, toys, games, work... whatever is floating around in my dome at any given moment.

Friday, December 08, 2006

My Life in WoW - Part 7

I didn't play much last night... I needed to spend some QT with the wife, so we watched Clerks 2. BRILLIANT FLICK!! If you haven't seen it, what are you waiting for? It has a gutter mouth, but a heart of gold.

Back to WoW. I did play just a little... long enough to stable Barrengeist and wrasssle me up another pet!! Now that I'm level 19 (knocking on the door of level 20) I am able to tame level 19 beasts. So I went and tamed myself a WOLF!! They're called Ghostpaw Runners around Ashenvale, but for all intents and purposes, he/she (I respect its privacy) is a wolf.


His/her name is Diemgeist, which is a ridiculous mish-mash of Latin (Diem = Day) and German (Geist = Ghost), so his/her name is, eassentially, DayGhost.

Granted, with the sheer level of lameness I stooped to to come up with that name, I might as well have gone with Pig Latin instead.

'Ayday Hostgay' has such a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

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At 12:59 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Cool pet! I'm a level 6, half way to 7. I can wait to be able to train a pet. I'm working on three quest and I'm having a ball. I love your screan shots!


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