My Life in WoW - Part 4
I'm quickly learning that as you start leveling up, the process of leveling takes longer and longer.
As I write this, I'm on the verge of reaching level 17, but it's been a major pain in the ass. After attempt upon attempt last night to complete a quest by killing a huge level 19 Den Mother Thistle Bear and her annoying level 11 cubs, I finally had to step away from the computer. I realized that NOT killing her, NOT leveling, and dying time and time again was raising my blood pressure and seriously pissing me off... like way more than it should.
But before I got to the point of either walking away or committing Harry Carry, I did learn that I could clear my screen before taking a screenshot, thus making it much more picturesque. Take this shot, for example. Here's Schatengeist entering a new land called Ashenvale. It's contested territory, meaning there's always the chance I could run into Horde players here.

I've also been taking the time to learn the fine art of mining. Through this practice, I can obtain different materials that I can then turn around and sell for a shitload of sweet, sweet cash.

And now that I'm getting up to higher levels, I'm also forced to fight some pretty sweet looking badasses. Take this dude, for example. Him and his kind are a wicked pain in the ass (if you're a lowly level 16 Hunter, such as myself).

But the most frequernt activity I've encountered thus far in my daily doses of Warcrack is running, running, and more running. Every quest leads you to new and exciting areas, but they're all a 5 minute run away!

It is my understanding that once I reach level 40, I'll have the ability to obtain a mount. No, not THAT type of mount, you sick bastards! A mount as in a horse... something that moves WAY faster than I do on foot. But that's at level 40... 40!!! Keep in mind, my official tally of total time playing WoW is already up to 1 day, 2 hours and 43 minutes. That's TIME PLAYING THE GAME!! And I'm only at level 16.
I guess Schatengeist should invest in some good shoes... he's going to be hoofing it for a while.
Labels: mmorpg, online gaming, warcraft, World of Warcraft, WoW
Oh your poor, poor wife!! Looks like she is a WoW widow.
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