Cult of Pop

Just rambling from my child of the 80s mind about movies, tv, music, comics, toys, games, work... whatever is floating around in my dome at any given moment.

Monday, December 04, 2006

My Life in WoW - Part 5

Don't you hate it when you're in the woods fighting a Rabid Thistle Bear and suddenly you're glowing green because you've contracted rabies? That's what happened to Schatengeist yesterday.

But have no fear, for Schatengeist possesses a hearty constitution which affords him a fairly quick recovery time.

After that, he battled diligently until finally reaching the coveted LEVEL 18! This is what it looks like as one levels. Pretty, isn't it?

Once the after-glow of leveling wore off, we headed due south until we found a new Night Elf village in Ashenvale. It was touch and go making our way down to the village as the area is contested, and Horde could be hiding anywhere... Luckily none were lurking about yesterday, and we made it to the village without incident. Once there, we found another Hyppogriff Master which gave us a new flight point... all the way back up to Auberdine. Granted, it beats walking for 10 minutes, but I was hoping to be whisked away to yet another exotic land. I mean, I've never been whisked away before, so you can't blame me for hoping it would happen...

Ah well, at least the flight through the forest was scenic.

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At 12:17 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Now you got me hooked, you WoW dealer! It took 8 hrs to download the game and another 3 hrs to install but now I'm in. I'm a level 5 hunter named Darfius (the wife gave him his name). I'm on a 10 day free trial but I'm already hooked. I don't have a manual so I'm playing by trial and many errors. If you get back to Tedrassil look me up.


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