My Life in WoW - Part 6
It was a productive night for Schatengeist last night. The wife (my poor WoW widow) was out shoe shopping with her best friend, so I put the kids to bed and had a solid 4 hour chunk of time to devote to WoW.
So, the first order of business was to get Schatengeist to level 19, which I did rather quickly. This gave me newfound confidence to try some harder quests... one of which led me to a tunnel found on the outskirts of Ashenvale called Talendeep Path.

Unfortunately, this area is also highly contested, and I saw my first Horde players running around here... and ever single one of them was at least 8 levels above me! So, I tried to take advantage of one of the traits of the Night Elves called Shadowmeld. This is when you stand still and basically turn invisble to other players.
The problem with this is that you PET does NOT turn invisible as well. So, any Horde wandering by is going to see Barrengeist and KNOW that an Alliance Hunter is around. As you can see, this Horde guy had a fun time standing in front of Schatengeist, taunting him. Before he ran off and (mercifully) didn't slaughter me, he took the time to actually wave! Bastard... Once I level up some more, I'm going to find him...

Not everyone was as merciful as Pompompaihn... On my way through the Stonetalon Mountains to Stonetalon Peak, I was slaughtered about 4 times by higher level Horde players. Buncha freakin' bullies... just wait 'til I hit level 20!
Labels: mmorpg, online gaming, warcraft, World of Warcraft, WoW
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